
EHV-1 konstaterad i Oliva och Lier

FEI har konstaterat fyra fall av EHV-1 vid de internationella hopptävlingarna i Oliva, Spanien och ett fall av EHV-1 vid de internationella hopptävlingarna i Lier, Belgien.

Två svenska ryttare med totalt fem hästar har varit på plats vid tävlingarna i Oliva och Svenska Ridsportförbundet har varit i kontakt med ryttarna under torsdagsmorgonen.

- Deras hästar mår bra och har stått uppstallade långt ifrån de som har blivit sjuka. De planerar att lämna Oliva idag och vi har löpande kontakt med dem, säger Andrea Barth, sportchef Svenska Ridsportförbundet.

Alla hästar som tävlat i Oliva den 7-22 februari är förhindrade att delta i andra tävlingar tills att de uppfyllt vissa hälsokrav. De ska också isoleras vid hemkomst och tempas regelbundet.

Information från FEI 2023-02-22:

You will find below a brief overview of the situation and measures that have been taken by the FEI in the past 48 hours, in consultation with respective National Federations and Organising Committees following a confirmed case of EHV-1 in Lier (BEL) and four confirmed cases in Oliva (ESP).

In Lier (BEL), a horse presenting symptoms on the weekend was immediately isolated and following confirmation of EHV-1 at the start of the week, the concerned horse and an additional 25 horses deemed to be in-contact were blocked from the FEI database.

The Persons Responsible (PRs) have all been notified, alongside their respective National Federations (NFs) and National Head Veterinarians (NHVs).

Meanwhile in Oliva (ESP), the FEI is working closely with the Spanish National Federation, the Spanish Veterinary Authority and the Organising Committee following four confirmed cases of EHV-1. These four horses were among ten horses stabled in the same stable block that developed fever. They were immediately isolated and tested, with four returning a positive test for EHV-1. There have been no reports of any neurological signs in these horses.

All the precautionary measures to minimise the risk of transmission have been swiftly applied, and ALL the horses attending Oliva from 7 February to 22 February - close to 1,000 horses – have been blocked in the FEI database. This includes any horses that may have already left Oliva to compete at other FEI events. Again all the PRs and their NFs have been notified.

For the 82 horses stabled in the same block as the four horses that tested positive, they are required to stay onsite for at least seven days with measures and testing protocols to be fulfilled prior to leaving the venue, while for the remaining horses, they can leave the venue as soon they have completed a pre-departure veterinary check.

All the horses from Lier (BEL) and Oliva (ESP) that have been blocked in the FEI database are prevented from attending any FEI events until they have fulfilled certain health requirements which are imposed in order to minimize any potential transmission of the virus, both to their own horses and the wider horse population. The mandatory biosecurity measures include isolation for a minimum of 21 days, taking twice daily rectal temperatures and conducting laboratory testing for EHV-1. Release from isolation can only take place on the advice of a veterinarian and in order to be “un-blocked” and have access to FEI Events, the horses will need to comply with all the return to competition protocols and have the restriction lifted by the FEI Veterinary Department.

We are grateful for the community’s vigilance in all matters of biosecurity and once again reiterate the importance of the Horse Health Requirements and all the preventative measures the community can actively apply in order to minimise the risk of disease transmission.

Should you have any questions regarding this matter, don’t hesitate to contact the Veterinary Department

